Kristen Stewart may still be massively popular all over the world, but she’s usually not our forum members’ favorite cover star. For the German edition of Interview, Kristen was photographed together with her Clouds of Sils Maria co-star, Juliette Binoche. In the movie, the two actresses are in a relationship. Therefore, it is no surprise the magazine opted to go for a similar concept for the cover shot of its September issue.
Image credit: via the tfs forums
Reactions on our forums were mostly positive. One of the first to comment on the cover was catherine88. “Oh man! I like that cover with Kristen and Juliette. It’s kind of sexy,” she noted.
LastNight applauded the decision to have Kristen pose with her eyes closed. “I have always thought Kristen Stewart to be a very beautiful woman, however in almost every photoshoot she looks dead in the eyes. I think they’ve found a solution here and I say from now on she has her eyes down/closed in all future shoots because it’s really working for her. In all sincerity though, it is a beautiful cover and I really enjoy the other two as well,” he wrote.
“Juliette & Kristen’s cover does look good, but I prefer Sam Rollinson‘s. I mean, look at [those] shoulders!” remarked Benn98, referring to one of the two alternative model covers (check out the previews here).
It looks like the magazine is presenting a solid effort for its September issue. The cover with Kristen and Juliette is simple, but also sensual and interesting. The model covers with Sam and Lindsey Wixson are dynamic and striking. If the covers are that great, the content is sure to be exciting, too. Not bad, Interview Germany!
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