Image: LOFT
LOFT is back to kick off another season with a crop of hilarious videos by hilarious girls. This time around, the retailer tapped comedians Ashley Clements (who you may recognize from the Emmy Award-winning digital series, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries), Irene Choi and Hayley Huntley to perfectly portray all the things about summer we love and love to hate.
The shorts bring a humorous slant to everything from camping, riding in an Uber sans A/C and attending awkward summer barbecues because you don’t want to be the only loser with nothing to do on a beautiful day. Let’s just say we couldn’t stop laughing through all of them. The first of the video series just went live, which you can view at LOFT’s dedicated web page.
Of course, we had to get in touch with the girls to talk about the shorts, dish on their favorite things to do during the season and find out what they’re looking for in a summer boo, among other things.
theFashionSpot: What’s better? Rooftop pool party or backyard pool party?
Irene Choi: Backyard. Hanging out with a bunch of wet, drunk people on top of a building sounds kind of dangerous.
Hayley Huntley: Rooftop pool party — how do pools on roofs work? What do those things weigh? How aren’t we all amazed all the time?
Ashley Clements: I’ve never been to a rooftop pool party! I’m going to say that’s better because the grass is always greener and I love grass. Like in backyards. Oh, wait.
tFS: What are your biggest dos and don’ts for the beach?
IC: Do — wear sunscreen, stay hydrated, bring a boogie board (not just for kids!), pee in the water only if you must. Don’t — wear sneakers or makeup, bring expensive things, touch any washed up animals that appear to be dead, poop in the water under any circumstances.
HH: Do — wear sunscreen, pay for long-term parking so you don’t have to keep checking the meter (in LA), wear more sunscreen, put your dumb phone away, eat your cold sandwich before it gets warm. Don’t — play top 40 music so loud I can’t hear the waves and my important thoughts, call me an old woman for saying don’t play your loud music.
AC: Do — wear sunscreen. Slather yourself in it. And reapply every two hours! Don’t — waste a second feeling bad or self-conscious about your body. Every body is a beach body if you take it to the beach!
tFS: How do you stay cool when the A/C conks out?
IC: My place doesn’t have A/C, so I have this down: Strip down to underwear, stand in front of an open fridge, avoid cooking, reject hugs from visitors, reject cuddle propositions from my cats, take a cold shower.
HH: I hate A/C — I’d rather wait all afternoon for that sweet, sweet early evening window breeze.
AC: When I was a kid, we’d go to the movies to cool off. When I was a broke grad student, I used to fill the bathtub with a few inches of cold water and sit in it like a sad, private pool. Probably not a good idea in the California drought, though. I’ve also used ice packs pretty creatively.
tFS: What are your favorite summer activities?
IC: Cookouts where I am the cook and everyone tells me how awesome I am.
HH: BBQing, sitting on the patio at any hour, walking at night with no sweater, smelling flowers, debating “hot or iced coffee?” daily.
AC: I’m a big hiker, but I do that year round in LA. I can justify eating a lot more frozen desserts in the summer, though.
tFS: What do you look for in a summer fling?
IC: An HBO GO account?
HH: Can read.
AC: The only things I fling are my shoes off when I get home.
tFS: What was the best thing about putting these videos together?
IC: Aside from an almost all-female cast, we had a very female-dominated crew.
HH: Ad-libbing in character!
AC: Getting to work with our director, Yulin Kuang. I’ve been a big fan of hers for a while and I was thrilled for a chance to collaborate. Yulin has such a unique and exciting voice as a director and I always want to support women in film.
tFS: What’s the best thing about summer in LA? What’s the worst?
IC: Best is the weather. I think summers in LA are better than summers anywhere else because it never gets humid or too dry. The worst is seeing guys’ toes come out of hiding. Also, bad tattoos.
HH: The best part of summer is the collective vibe of people coming out from under winter and living a playful, relaxed, stay-out-late, wander-to-each-other’s-BBQs, no-rules lifestyle. The worst thing is when it’s over.
AC: I think the best is how much the city empties out as people escape the heat — traffic really eases up! The worst is probably the heat. Winter in LA is my favorite season. But there’s never that much fluctuation in weather in LA — that’s why we live here.
via theFashionSpot » The Buzz
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